Unsupported use of ->(), ->{} or ->[] as postfix dereferencer; in Perl 6 please use .(), .[] or .{} to deref ...
Following the advice leads to:
my $larry;
which leads to another compile-time error:
Undeclared names:
Add used at line 1
Feature used at line 1
Please used at line 1
Those "undeclared names" were probably meant to be string hash keys. So try that:
my $larry;
By the way, that's an unusual way to write such code. The periods are optional, so this is equivalent:
And the braces, which support any expression, such as strings as used in this example, are typically not used. Instead, typical code uses angle brackets, which assume the words within are strings:
Finally, in Perl 6 it's often useful to use an array sigil (@) or hash sigil (%) instead of the general purpose scalar sigil ($):
my %larry;
I don't know if I've incanted a commit in Perl 6 by writing this, but ya never know... :)
An old sig of mine (slightly reworded) from the 90s:
If I could live my life again I think I'd believe in reincarnation.
So autovivification such as:
Won't incant a commit in Perl 6?:-)