I wrote some Perl years back to take the fight to phishers. You would provide my script with the field names and POST URL of the HTML form within the phishing email, along with some generic types for each form field. There were types for firstnames, lastnames, email, addresses, usernames, passwords, social security numbers, and credit card numbers. The script would generate fake but real-looking values for each of these things--the credit card numbers would even pass a checksum test--and then post to the URL. It would do this as fast as the remote end would accept them with the aim of filling out their database (typically a text file on some compromised server) with bullshit data, making it hard to pick out the legit data from victims.
It worked wonderfully. I used it through proxies when I could and watched the phishers try to block me or even attack me back.
It worked wonderfully. I used it through proxies when I could and watched the phishers try to block me or even attack me back.