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> Was this a question? I don't think I've heard anyone ever say otherwise.

As a former Mormon, I'll give a resounding YES. Mormons have a persecution complex. And whenever Prop 8 or gay marriage is brought up it gets even worse. They tend to inflate opposition - you say "we should legalize gay marriage" and they will respond "I have a right to talk about my religious beliefs!!"

IME, it's just part of the rhetorical toolbox of the 'outraged conservative' (I'm not criticizing all conservatives, just those who get carried away with this talk radio / Fox News rhetoric). Outrage, persecution complex ... you can see it in some of today's dissents: Alito protesting that people opposing gay rights will be criticized (is this an issue for the Supreme Court?), and, you won't believe it, but Scalia was outraged. Why should Friday be any different than Thursday?

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