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That's definitely true. Do you have a particular set of questions you ask during project interviews? If so, which ones tend to be the most revealing?

Not the GP, but I focus on tradeoffs and roads not taken. Get them to talk about a project they've worked on, and then ask about alternative design decisions around some interesting feature and see what they say.

Example: I developed a little state-machine framework for managing complexity in a large, legacy code-base. It allowed me to refactor a lot of ad hoc distributed logic into the transition table and clean up a lot of weird corner cases that made the code fragile and difficult to change.

Questions might include: "Why did you write your own rather than use an existing state machine framework like the one in boost?" (for C++ frameworks there's pretty much always one in boost, so even if you don't know anything about the area you can throw this in for fun and see what they say). Also: "Why a state machine rather than some other approach to refactoring?" And so on. This process gets at taste and good judgement, it gives you a sense of how tolerant of alternatives they are, and so on.

Additional edit: one of the things I look for in answers is people who say, "Yeah, that particular decision might have been a mistake... I always wondered what would have happened if instead I had..." Good developers are able to admit that not everything they do is perfect, and are willing to give alternative views a bit of credence.

Crazy reading your answer after i responded. I gotta say we're definitely on the same page here :)

Less an explicit set of questions but more recursively/iteratively asking why/what/when/how at increasingly deeper levels of the problem they're talking about. It requires the interviewer to be at least familiar with the general domain but you don't have to be an expert. It's borrowed from how Elon Musk says he does assessments. People who know their stuff remember everything about every part of something they worked on. They know why they did /didn't do something all the way down to the most trivial level of detail and they have intelligent thoughts about how they would improve and what tradeoffs they made. Most people fail after one or two levels of this "interrogation".

I like this style of interviewing as well. What throws me still is when I'm talking to a candidate with only large corp, individual contributor engineering experience. Their answer for why is almost always some variant on "that was the spec".

What do you do with candidates like this besides weed them out at the resume review stage?

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