>You are conflating a property of the claim itself (violating the laws of physics) with a straw-man property of the person making the claim. They aren't the same thing - one enables a simple proof by contradiction, the other is ad-hominem.
I don't see why you think I haven't considered that.
My whole argument is based on the idea that ad-hominens are pefectly fine in some cases.
When? For people with a bogus claims record.
How? Under the observation that a person making some bogus claims is also likely to make more bogus claims -- and thus the person can be dismissed as a general bogus-claims-maker.
Why might lose some good arguments he might make here and there, but life's too short, and dismissing the person completely gives us time to listen to people with a better "claims" track record.
In essense, the very basic of filtering, that everybody does (more or less well), and you undoubtly do as well.
>I call your "climate change, it's all bogus" claim a straw man, and indicative more of your thinking than of reality, because that's not even a claim that skeptics make.
Actually lots of "spectics" make it. Some make a lesser claim, that's its not human-caused, but others also claim it's not happening altogether. There's even a term for that:
I'm going to dismiss everything you have to say because it doesn't look like you know how to properly respond to threads when there's a comment cooldown timer.
I don't see why you think I haven't considered that.
My whole argument is based on the idea that ad-hominens are pefectly fine in some cases.
When? For people with a bogus claims record.
How? Under the observation that a person making some bogus claims is also likely to make more bogus claims -- and thus the person can be dismissed as a general bogus-claims-maker.
Why might lose some good arguments he might make here and there, but life's too short, and dismissing the person completely gives us time to listen to people with a better "claims" track record.
In essense, the very basic of filtering, that everybody does (more or less well), and you undoubtly do as well.
>I call your "climate change, it's all bogus" claim a straw man, and indicative more of your thinking than of reality, because that's not even a claim that skeptics make.
Actually lots of "spectics" make it. Some make a lesser claim, that's its not human-caused, but others also claim it's not happening altogether. There's even a term for that:
>I get the impression you are just looking for ways to dismiss arguments which make you emotionally uncomfortable.
Nope, I'm looking for ways to dismiss arguments which waste my time.