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Respectfully, you don't sound very well informed and your reply is pretty emotional and negative. Did you actually work on or with FB's Security team? If so, when?

It's irrelevant if you worked on the team. Facebook is a profiling tool. Its users have traded their privacy for convenience. Please tell me that Facebook doesn't track people using the Facebook banners/IP address combinations... or better yet, tell me that Facebook isn't the ONLY one that does it as a justification for selling people's personal data.

Facebook is only worth 100bn because it sells peoples' personal information.

Am I jaded? Not at all. I am a realist. Facebook is primarily a monitoring tool that monetises itself on selling people's personal information.

> "Facebook is only worth 100bn because it sells peoples' person information"

What does that have to do with the security that Facebook has put in place to protect this info so only they can sell it? These seem like orthogonal discussions. You're arriving at the conclusion that Facebook security sucks because it sells peoples' data. That is an illogical argument.

None of what you said has to do with security - and you shouldn't conflate security with privacy.

security and privacy are two sides of the same coin

You can have the one without the other, but not the other without the one.

I am not saying that Facebook don't, just that it is not that bad.

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