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Looks great. Out of interest, what were the main things that tex4ht doesn't give you out of the box?

Clean HTML (no superfluous tags), proper links to references (the rendering splits the links between author and year), ligatures are broken in browsers, standard footnotes are insensible for HTML, the standard HTML used for headers, figures, and others wasn't to my liking.

One recommendation: use ragged-right rather than justified text in the HTML version. Because browsers use a line-by-line text composer instead of full-paragraph composition, and don’t do any hyphenation, fully justified text looks terrible on web pages, especially in relatively narrow columns.

In the case of this specific document, there’s all kinds of nasty gappy whitespace in the webpage version.

It’s made worse by the spaces in “et al. 19XX” getting turned into non-breaking spaces. You really want to fix that if you can. For example, look at the 3rd and 9th line in this screenshot. http://i.imgur.com/H6ROnyQ.png

But even disregarding that problem, many lines end up looking pretty bad.

[Note: don’t read this as personal criticism. The fault lies about 90% with the browser vendors who care more about saving a few microseconds of compute time than making legible documents.]

I didn't notice this ever before, then I read your comment. Now I see it all over the place...oh man.

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