In Haskell, there are language pragmas that enable extra features for a given module, but sometimes can also remove them (completely forbidding unsafe functions, disabling record syntax, and the like).
Haskell is really the kind of exploding language being discussed in the article though. While it has simple toggle switches for the end user, each of the underlying "extensions" is really a large modification to the compiler. There's still a monolithic parser, and authors of language extensions need to take into account all the other extensions to make sure they play nicely together. It's like they've heard of the open/closed principle but don't know how to apply it.
Specific extensions (like Safe/Trusted), or disabling record syntax etc are demonstrative of the problem - they're quite specific and implemented as part of the compiler because the language itself does not have the means of selectively enabling/disabling features via runtime code.
Kernel[1] has a much more interesting model based on first-class environments. One can selectively expose parts of the language to any execution context by creating a first-class environment containing only the required bindings, then execute some code in that environment. It provides a function ($remote-eval (code-to-exec) environment) for this purpose.
To give a very trivial example of this, lets say I want to expose only the numeric operators +, -, etc to some "safe calculator" context. I can simply bind these symbols to their kernel-standard-environment ones and be done.
Trying to do something like unsafe "read-file" in place of (+ (* 2 3) 1) will result in a runtime error because the binding read-file doesn't exist in that environment.
There's much more interesting stuff to be found in Kernel if you like the "small core" based approach to computing. Kernel is more schemy than scheme. Compiler hacks like "macros" are an example of something you wouldn't want lying around in your exploding language when you can implement them trivially with first class operatives. And why would you want quote implemented as a language primitive? Yuck!