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I'm glad someone said this. I'm an occasional JavaScript programmer, and I looked over ES6 last night and was surprised by how large it's become. And I learned that ES7 is already on the way.

That said, most of the features seem nice, and many are borrowed from stable languages like Python, so perhaps it's not too much. I'll have to try it and see.

It made me wonder what Crockford is up to, and what he thinks of this.



Yeah, I share the linked author's opinion of ES6 -- it's good stuff, but it's also a dangerous direction.

Part of me thinks that maybe what's needed is an updated version of "use strict" -- "use es6" or whatever -- that would let you use the new features, but also prevent you from using some deprecated features, to keep the surface of the language somewhat smaller even as new stuff gets added.

That was seriously considered some years back and thrown out as likely to cause poor adoption and poor intermingling of language features.


For many years I was fiercely against ES. With ES6 I start to change.

Your suggestion make sense and I applaud it. Something like

"use strict es6"

would make our lives easier. Backwards incompatibility here has a goal.

It's expanding the language, but adding such sorely needed features.

I've been working in it for a little while now, and egads is it painful to go back. Block scoping, arrow functions, and destructured assignments are all a godsend.

From one of his more recent talks, Crockford said that most of the new features in ES6 had not yet been proven to be good parts. Fairly damning, I think.

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