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https://www.metabunk.org/dr-kirkby-2009-cern-presentation.t5... whoa man, it's almost like you can use google! BTW, Harold Saive is a well known chemtrail conspiracy theorist who has outright lied on several occasions before. He surely doesn't have anything to gain from misrepresenting a scientists results, does he? https://www.metabunk.org/outrageously-fake-chemtrails-video....

As for the Harvard results, the results aren't as important - it was meant as the joke that "The government is doing it to control us". You know - the conspiracy theory, just like all the other ones, which if you wanted to counter my claim (which wasn't even the point for fucks sake), you would need evidence of. As opposed to some chemicals having unintended side effects, which is possible (and happens).

I like how you also conveniently ignored the rest of my post, and didn't actually explain your point about inflation. Instead, you just said "well, it's obvious bro". How explanatory!

I'll take that as an indication you don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for playing!

The iterative approach to commenting lol. I think we will have to agree to disagree on pretty much everything.

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