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Well, the "support" here is just much more visible than everything else that we do. We provide support over as many channels as possible: we employ full-time folks in #stripe on IRC, we monitor Twitter, we send thousands of emails every day, we're rolling out phone support, we chat with customers on IM -- and, yes, we reply on HN. Obviously nobody should have to post here, but we'll certainly respond if they do.

Fraud-related cases are particularly hard, by the way. Thousands of people try to defraud us every day. (I guess it's a consequence of being highly-visible and easy to set up.) And so the support for those cases has to be handled a little differently.

> We provide support over as many channels as possible

Maybe that's the problem. Might be better to provide stellar support on one or two channels.

Has anyone defrauded you with a bitcoin payment yet? I assume volume is low, but out of that volume has there been any reports of fraud?

It was a genuine question?

No knock on the great work you guys have done to make Stripe easy to use and visible but I'm pretty sure thousands of people try to defraud you every day because you're a platform to transfer money. Money is a popular thing to steal.

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