I sat down last week and felt determined to learn Rails as quickly as possible. I skimmed the Agile Web Development With Rails book and got to work on a fuel-calculating mini-app. Time to completion: 2 days with very little sleep.
Site: http://fuel.dustincurtis.com
While I was building the site, I kept wishing that I could look at an app's code in its entirety for help with syntax (searching google gave me nothing), so here's the code (it's probably very shitty):
Code: http://itsalltaken.com/fuelcode
What do you think of the design and implementation?
PS. I need to add in a bunch of higher-level validations to prevent people from using obscene numbers/dates/etc. Also the mobile version isn't quite done yet.
Location: /
Location: /account/login Location: /fuelings I was never able to access the app again after the last error.