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Employment Question – What's yours is ours?
1 point by the_unknown on June 17, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Every so often on HN I see a question about those employment clauses where the company wants to claim everything you do in your personal life as being "theirs".

Is this unique to the tech industry (and if so why do we put up with it) or is this a general issue across the board?

I can see it potentially being there for artists/musicians though in a more direct manner - where a singer can't just start up a second singing career but if they embark on a photography or painting career the music company wouldn't claim to own it (perhaps?).

IANAL, but I get the impression that it may actually be in our contract because in many industries, it's much less contentious and has become standard that way. Take for instance, if I were a nuclear engineer. The equipment so expensive, and knowledge so specialized, that anything that one does in their free-time that is nuclear related is very clearly a derivative work, that these clauses are pretty much just an extension of don't steal our work and go to a competitor. And other things one may do, say woodworking, is so clearly hobby, and so unrelated that the issue would never stand up in court such that the issue is never debated.

But that's just been my understanding, I could be very mistaken.

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