Does anyone have any advice on bindings to change split size? Ctrl-w + and Ctrl-w - just don't work well, and my current configuration shadows Ctrl-a, which I really would like to avoid.
I rarely resize windows, but when I do, I set mouse=a and use the mouse to drag the window borders around. There's also CTRL-W _ (underscore) to maximize the current window and CTRL-W = to make window sizes equal.
I'm in the same boat, rarely re-sizing windows, and I'd do the same thing, but I use Tmux and terminal Vim and using the mouse there just doesn't work in my terminal emulator. (I use st[0] on Linux. It probably would work in iTerm on Mac, but I haven't tried.) It also may not work due to Tmux being configured with mouse support.
Also, did you know that Ctrl-w | maximizes the a window horizontally? So if you have splits open above and beside you ctlr-w _ ctrl-w | will maximize your current split.
It might be dangerous, and I recognize it's one of the less portable aspects of my (old) vimrc, but I used to set up and down arrows to split resizes, and left and right to prev/next buffer.
I read the help, it's pretty awesome. There's a few bindings in there that I had no clue existed, like Ctrl-w {H J K L} to rotate windows, and ctrl-w f to split window and edit the file under the cursor. My problem is that the default bindings are just a pain to type. Ctrl-w + is a lot of work when you have your window navigation bindings set to CTLR - { h j k l }