Cool demo [0]. The highlights around the text editor and the ambiguity of the buttons' functions (what does a button labelled "ಠ.ಠ" intuitively mean?) ruin parts of the demo for me though. Maybe consider using a different color / scheme for the active box highlighting + more standard buttons.
Agree with all of those, and in addition please don't use white text on light grey background like when adding a picture or link.
I like it. In fact I am considering using it for a project I am currently working on ( as well as your other project 'insignia'.
Cool, slightly OT, I currently use Voog Wysiwyg since some years, should I use woofmark instead? Any other wysiwyg editor? (Markdown stored is fine with me)
This is something I built in house for and I work in small modules, which is why you see a bunch of modules in there. They're all quite smallish and reusable, which is kind of the point.
Most people wouldn't have bothered and they would've just created a single module with everything clumped together. By writing smaller pieces I get to reuse them across other stuff that I write, open-source or not
Edit for context: this wasn't originally going to be open source