Title Misleading: Mandriva was last released by Madriva SA was 2012 and was moved to OpenMandriva with a independent community. https://www.openmandriva.org/
To be fair to you I didn't know the last 3 or 4 years of Mandriva history and what had happened.
In May 2012 Mandriva the company abandoned development of Mandriva and transfered leadership, resources and the forums to OpenManadriva. http://blog.mandriva.com/en/2012/05/17/mandriva-linux-will-r... (The link is broken since it was hosted by Mandriva)
the spinning up of OpenMandriva has to be a textbook example of how to do it wrong. The relevance had petered off pretty dramatically by that time. Seems the owners and possibly even the courts running the various administrations didn't recognize that part of the value. Should OpenMandriva have been started like in 2002 or so, the landscape could look different now.
Mandriva SA closing has zero impact on OpenMadriva https://forums.openmandriva.org/en/discussion/987/mandriva-i...