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Given Flash's atrocious performance profile, I'm surprised and impressed that this works at all. That being said, it chews an entire core on my computer to render the game at about 20fps, and the audio is nearly a half-second latent. Another way of looking at this is that Flash bytecode on a Core i7 today has caught up to half of where native bytecode on a Pentium I was 14 years ago.

Even more bizarre is the fact that this runs on my Turion64 X2-whatever running at 2.0GHz exactly how Quake originally ran on my 90MHz Pentium clone.

I feel like I've just jumped back 13 years.

In another 13 years there'll be a version written in Ruby that feels the same too.

in 6 months it will be re-written in JS/HTML5

What OS / Flash version are you running?

I got 78.2 FPS on 'timedemo demo1', on an i7 920 @ 3600MHz, Flash, Firefox 3.5.5, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. It was perfectly smooth. The audio lag (~200ms) seems more likely an architectural latency issue than a performance-related one.

Win7 x64, whatever version of Flash is the current release.

It might have a lower frame rate due to running in Chrome, I don't know. I leave Flash disabled in other browsers due to frequent crashing.

Strange. I've tried it on 3 year old mac mini, OSX Leopard, 2gb ram with Firefox. Worked just fine.

It does appear to run without glitches. But your comment indicates that you never played the original Quake. Which ran at 60fps, software-rendered, on a Pentium I, with no audio latency.

At half the resolution this is running at though, and the Flash does benefit from quite a speed up if you knock down the viewport size.

I have to disappoint you - I played original Quake on Pentium 133 running at 38fps, software rendering, without any glitches.

As far as I remember - not many things were running slow at that time - it was either you had the hardware to run stuff, or not.

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