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CAP Theorem: if all you have is a timeout, everything looks like a partition (thislongrun.com)
52 points by nkeywal on May 25, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Given a supervisor script that automatically restarts the process, wouldn't it be simpler for the process to communicate its own death the next time it boots?

I was think more on the lines of: given a supervisor that'll restart the process on any kind of trouble, isn't the entire optimization redundant anyway?

Anyway, that's a great wake-up call to improve the supervisor.

> isn't the entire optimization redundant anyway? With ZooKeeper the ephemeral znode is linked to a session, and if you restart the process it will have a different session. So you also need to manage the znode deletion explicitly in this case. It's possible of course, I have a little preference for the 'ultimate line in the script' as it does not rely on the restart but both options are likely good.

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