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so it's not like blockchain where if you know the realid of addresses you can follow where the coins go.

from first glance i was curious about this aspect. if a connection exists, the end points are known or unknown? if they are known and there is a db of endpoints to realids then these know endpoints are no longer anonymous...

i get that the content is unknowable due to encryption - that's fine. the endpoint identification though, seems pretty cool if this is truly anonymous.

There is no realid. When you are chatting with someone through Richoet you are connecting to a Tor hidden service that is running on their system. Tor goes to great lengths to hide the true identify of both the client and the service when your using hidden services.

i've obviously misread what a TOR hidden service is then (and how connection are established between two end points), will go read again later.

my current understanding is even though an IP Address might not be connected to me personally, all the routers in between me and the destination server know that my IP wants to connect to dest IP . Thus there was some communication between my IP & dest IP at some time, and is in a log if routers keep logs (or any other device that is physically connected to the same physical path that my packets took)

Sounds like TOR hidden services don't create breadcrumbs like this then.

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