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Lawnchair: Client Side JSON Document Store (brianleroux.github.com)
48 points by voodootikigod on Nov 22, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

At first blush, this project is very exciting.

Persistent objects through JSON. No muss, no fuss. Lawnchair indeed!

[edit: Here is the github source directly: http://github.com/brianleroux/lawnchair ]

This project does provide a very nice API and I think it can be very useful in some circumstances. However, I think client side storage is not as important as server storage. After all, a client can have many "client sides" and the appeal of storing stuff on the server is that all of them can be stateless and synchronized. I can see myself using this as a very nice cache mechanism for intermediate data, but the permanent storage would stay on the server.

<IMHO>SQL is not gross!</IMHO>


What about persistence between browser sessions? I couldn't see anything on the page about this.

It uses the HTML5 database API.


Pablotron persists to other "backends" for none html5 browsers:

* flash: Flash 8 persistent storage.

* gears: Google Gears-based persistent storage.

* localstorage: HTML5 draft storage.

* whatwg_db: HTML5 draft database storage.

* globalstorage: HTML5 draft storage (old spec).

* ie: Internet Explorer userdata behaviors.

* cookie: Cookie-based persistent storage.

nice idea, I am a JSON junkie but I tend to leave it at the transport layer

Promising. Anyone care to summarize query capabilities?

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