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jQuery is perfect for rather complex JS driven websites, e.g. web page builders. But most websites that make use of jQuery just don't need it.

As an example website we created without jQuery: plainJS.com :-P The site provides a neat interface with features like autocomplete search and syntax highlighting. And the whole page works nicely down to IE 8.

I was surprised how simple it is - and in the process we've also released some Vanilla JS plugins. Also, I was surprised how many modern Vanilla JS plugins there already are!

So where would be the point to use jQuery on plainJS.com? It neither makes development or maintenance easier, nor is it faster - but it add a third party dependency.

You have like 1.000.000 js libs from external sources, mostly from Social Networks and you think about maintance and third party dependencies? Oh my god..

Dude, there are so many Tools around JavaScript at that time, that you should prolly stop integrating 1 million Social Sites and instead focus on JavaScript and testing. Especially when you want your site to be faster.

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