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> Even if they were not beneath him, an ideal man in patriarchy simply wouldn't be bothered with such menial tasks. This can only naturally produce such a trope (Emphasis mine)

I made an observation given keying words and phrases you used. I've no doubt your description came from an honestly held belief. Describing the ideal male in a patriarchal society to find raising a family or keeping a household to be menial and beneath him, indicates a viewpoint based on disrespecting women and considering them less, rather than an illogical division of family and social duties based on physical gender differences.

Your umbrage is misplaced.

You're really just trolling, are you? :)

I already answered this - all systems come with ideals, myths, additional narratives that serve to explain why things are the way they are. And so patriarchy comes with the concept of the ideal man and woman. This is not something I invented.

Patriarchy is not merely a value-neutral division of labor, or whatever your cold impersonal description was meant to convey. A key component is placing greater value on men, and hence bestowing them with various privileges, but also obligations, expectations.

Finally, even if patriarchy did not insist on male incompetence in the house, the very fact that men never do housework, and are not even allowed to do it unless they want to belittle themselves before others, means that it is very easy to imagine a Real Man (TM) stumbling around during babysitting.

If anyone's trolling, it's you. Even if under the "patriarchal" model, the men were "incompetent at small housework" and "wouldn't be bothered with menial tasks", that doesn't imply they would be bad parents. Parenting isn't just taking care of the child, it's also parental guidance, being a good role model, instilling a sense of responsibility and the value of hard work, etc. All of these are thing even a working man (or any working parent) could do.

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