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Setup Ruby Enterprise Edition, nginx and Passenger (aka mod_rails) on Ubuntu (antoniocangiano.com)
16 points by acangiano on Nov 20, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Dude, mod_rails is not the preferred nomenclature. mod_rack, please.

Do your part in the neverending fight against Rails parochialism in the Ruby community.


Title of modrails.com: "Overview — Phusion Passenger™ (a.k.a. mod_rails / mod_rack)"

Why do people post stuff like that? Why do people vote it up?

It's not like you can't google yourself some install instructions. Also, this "article" doesn't bring anything new. You can get this information from the REE documentation.

Please, stop voting on this :(

From pg's guidelines: "Please don't submit comments complaining that a submission is inappropriate for the site. If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by going to its page and clicking on the "flag" link. (Not all users will see this; there is a karma threshold.) If you flag something, please don't also comment that you did."

Please submit the original source. If a blog post reports on something they found on another site, submit the latter.

You just copied chunks of upstream documentation, and added the copypasta <pre> blocks of sudo apt-get install... that are the hallmark of Ubuntu blogspam.

The upstream documentation doesn't tell you how to solve the error I talked about, it doesn't provide a script to start and stop it at will, and above all it doesn't present the whole installation process in a nice, concise page.

Yeah, it doesn't "invent" anything new, but it's doesn't have to and it's far from being spam. Many people found my article useful and even the authors of Passenger thought this was well done.

The objective of blogging is sharing knowledge. I had these notes on a wiki of mine as I recently setup a couple of servers, so I thought I'd share them.

I was the first person to vote it up, and I'll tell you why. I happen to being doing this exact thing this weekend, so I wanted to save it for later.

If you're doing a serious deployment, check out Unicorn instead: http://unicorn.bogomips.org

Basic overview of its architecture: http://github.com/blog/517-unicorn

This. I find myself using upvotes for bookmarks about as often as I do to "promote" something.

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