I don't want to re-hash an old argument, but in my opinion dropping the gpg-key at a well known location secured by ssl (or better yet, bundled with all binary packages of haskell), and using gpg for trust is better in many ways.
Suddenly secure off-line distribution (think CDs), bittorrent, plain http/ftp... becomes [ed:trivial to] secure (if not private).
And anchoring everything at a gpg key makes the trust chain simpler. No longer can a rouge CA distribute signed software updates, you only have to trust your kernel, haskell and gpg -- not the usually large and somewhat arbitrary bundle of CA certs that come with the OS etc.
[Ed: not to mention: the gpg signing key can live "mostly offline" - the ssl key is "always online". Only the server hosting the gpg key (if first-trust is anchored in ssl) is critical for distribution]
[Ed2: You already ask people to install trusted binaries (to boostrap cabal/haskell) -- surely a gpg-implementation can be squeezed in there?]
Suddenly secure off-line distribution (think CDs), bittorrent, plain http/ftp... becomes [ed:trivial to] secure (if not private).
And anchoring everything at a gpg key makes the trust chain simpler. No longer can a rouge CA distribute signed software updates, you only have to trust your kernel, haskell and gpg -- not the usually large and somewhat arbitrary bundle of CA certs that come with the OS etc.
[Ed: not to mention: the gpg signing key can live "mostly offline" - the ssl key is "always online". Only the server hosting the gpg key (if first-trust is anchored in ssl) is critical for distribution]
[Ed2: You already ask people to install trusted binaries (to boostrap cabal/haskell) -- surely a gpg-implementation can be squeezed in there?]