Feeling hate and spreading hate towards technology domain that is known as "web" and its ecosystem because of trite and banal grievances with some of the products of some corporations is "right"?
If that is so I don't want to be a member of a toxic community that lacks meaningful perspective on the evolutionary, path-dependent origins of problems with "web technologies".
You call it "spreading hate", and I'll say that anyone for whom the brokenness of the web and mobile is not self-evident is suffering from a heavy case of Stockholm syndrome.
It takes having a "meaningful perspective on the evolutionary, path-dependent origins of problems" to notice how insanely fucked up web/mobile is on so many levels - from absurd amount of crap we have to deal with as users to the fashion show IT industry is.
The first step to fixing a problem is noticing and admitting it.
If that is so I don't want to be a member of a toxic community that lacks meaningful perspective on the evolutionary, path-dependent origins of problems with "web technologies".