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Gary Bernhardt's "The Birth and Death of Javascript"[1] is a rebuttal to this, I think.

Effectively, imagine that a compiler, put in static-compilation mode, would link everything required to run a piece of code (the relevant windowing toolkit, all the system libraries, copies of any OS binaries the code spawns, copies of any OS binaries the code sends messages to over an IPC bus, etc.) into something resembling a Docker container, or a Unikernel VM image. Imagine, additionally, that all this then gets translated into some standard bytecode for a high-level abstract platform target that has things like graphics and networking primitives—say, asm.js. Now everything can live as long as something still executes that bytecode.

[1] https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death...

This will be really cool in the future, someday. But it's a sci-fi like talk for a reason.

(and funny enough, when I saw him give this talk, the above quoted situation is exactly what I thought of...)

Maybe it's unrealizable at the moment for x86 code. On the other hand, for random digraphs of arcade-game microcontrollers, JSMESS is doing pretty well at achieving this. :)

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