MinimaLT [1], developed independently and about the same time as QUIC, also features the minimal latency, but with more (and better IMO) emphasis on security and privacy. (Though both are based on Curve25519). QUIC has an edge with header compression and an available implementation. EDIT: and of course, forward error correction!
I hate to be harsh because I like a lot about MinimaLT, but until MinimaLT ships code it doesn't feature anything.
I wish we were having a conversation where djb had written an amazing and performant minimaLT implementation that we could prepare against QUIC. But we're not. We're having a conversation where shipping performant code runs a protocol and you're presenting an alternative that pretty much exists only as a PDF document.
Believe me, I looked to figure out if there was a good solution for incorporating MinimaLT into code right now and there's not. I have a project where this is relevant. I'm looking at QUIC now and I may incorporate it as an alternative transport layer. (It duplicates some of my own work though, so I'm not sure whether to strip that stuff out or just make mine flexible enough to work on top.)
(To say nothing that QUIC can be implemented without a kernel module, which is a handy side-effect of doing things over UDP. A shame that's a factor, but of course it is in realistic systems deployment.)