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The API syntax isn't that special. The ArangoDB Query Builder (aqb on npm) for example is even more straightforward (no functions needed):

      a.eq("album.details.media_type_id", 2)
Or in plain AQL (ArangoDB's query language):

    FOR album IN catalog
    FILTER album.details.media_type_id == 2
    RETURN album
The "map" in the second example is simpler, too:

   ….return({artist: 'album.vendor.name'})
Or in plain AQL:

   … RETURN {artist: album.vendor.name}
Also, it doesn't really need drivers because the DB uses a REST API that works with any HTTP client.

That said, the change feeds are pretty neat and RethinkDB is still a pretty exciting project to follow.

(Full disclosure: I wrote the ArangoDB Query Builder without any prior exposure to ReQL, so I may be biased)

You don't actually need to use functions in ReQL either (although you can). For example

  r.table('users').filter(function(row) {
    return row('age').gt(30);
Could be expressed as:

That being said aqb looks pretty cool and quite similar to ReQL.

Neat. I actually prefer the "infix" style for operators (i.e. having the methods on the values instead of on the helper) and I'll see whether I can adjust AQB to support that.

I've implemented the infix/ReQL style operators and published them in the latest release:


Postgres 9.3+ is fairly straight-forward too. Here is go + github.com/mgutz/dat

    // one trip to database using subqueries and Postgres' JSON functions
    con.SelectDoc("id", "user_name", "avatar").
        HasMany("recent_comments", `SELECT id, title FROM comments WHERE id = users.id LIMIT 10`).
        HasMany("recent_posts", `SELECT id, title FROM posts WHERE author_id = users.id LIMIT 10`).
        HasOne("account", `SELECT balance FROM accounts WHERE user_id = users.id`).
        Where("id = $1", 4).
        QueryStruct(&obj) // obj must be agreeable with json.Unmarshal()
results in

        "id": 4,
        "user_name": "mario",
        "avatar": "https://imgur.com/a23x.jpg",
        "recent_comments": [{"id": 1, "title": "..."}],
        "recent_posts": [{"id": 1, "title": "..."}],
        "account": {
            "balance": 42.00

But have you seen the documentation, and the breadth of things you can string together?

I've found the documentation a joy to use

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