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The biggest problem with a different query language for every project is that when they get around to implementing some of the more esoteric (but extremely useful) SQL features it may not match well with what they've designed so far, and it may be hard to implement for the devs, conceptualize for the users, or just be plain weirdly tacked on causing a cognitive mismatch in how it's used (some side channel, for instance).

Using a query builder (or ORM) of some sort still allows the escape hatch of raw SQL to do those really crazy things that are sometimes needed for performance, or just because what you are trying to do is rather weird. SQL is a very mature language, it's unlikely you are going to run into something someone else hasn't before.

Datomic uses datalog but also exposes lower levels of the data accses api. This allows people with special needs to drop down and do there own thing, while others can use datalog.

It seams like a good idea to allow diffrent layers of data access.

Raw SQL still needs to be parsed and converted into some data structure. The difference I think is that in RQL you are just making the data structure on the client side then sending it to the server.

Another point of ORMs is to make queries reusable. In Django for example, you can reuse the same queryset in views, forms, templating and the admin. You can process and edit the queryset much easier than composed SQL strings.

This should also be possible to build on top of ReQL, though I don't know any examples.

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