> So what's this confuzzled stuff anyway? Confuzzlement is a glorious state of being that involves a lot of confusion, frustration, and maybe a little bit of raving lunacy. In a good way, of course. Confuzzled people celebrate their ignorance openly and strive to reach a higher level of ignorance by learning from other confuzzled people. A confuzzled person is proud to be ignorant, but the unwashed masses are often incapable of seeing the subtle difference between being brilliantly clever, pretending to be stupid because you can't be bothered to think, and being genuinely stupid. They key to being confuzzled is having fun with it.
> Those that become enlightened on the path of confuzzlement reach the orgasmic state of eternally confuzzled where people marvel at your ability to cause a stunned silence like with the mere utterance of a few simple words. The eternally confuzzled are gods in their own minds and feel compelled to share their knowledge with the lesser beings around them. This can be a good thing because confuzzled people aren't really stupid, they just seem that way to the layman.
> It's easy to become confuzzled. Just start learning and don't worry about not knowing something. Everybody doesn't know something. Too many people let it get to them and they get frustrated. Stress gives you health problems and people who get flustered easily tend not to make it as programmers. You don't want to be one of those people. You want to be eternally confuzzled!
I believe it's unfair and insensitive to the author to point to the archived site exactly after the site was obviously modified not to have the linked archived content. Ditto for the other commenter that writes the name of the author even if the name was obviously intentionally omitted from the present site.
The author obviously wanted to present the material without the background the the mentioned commenters here introduced back.
I know we can never expect that the archived content disappears, but we can at least attempt to respect in my opinion reasonable motives of author by concentrating on what's on the site now.
It's a cool word. Are there any natural languages that have different words for spatial and non-spatial/conceptual locations?
I know there are lots of distinctions that other languages make and English lacks (like medial/distal demonstratives) but I don't know what linguists would call this one, so it's hard to search for.
> Are there any natural languages that have different words for spatial and non-spatial/conceptual locations?
This is pretty common; for example, English systematically distinguishes between spatial locations ("where"/"there") and temporal locations ("when"/"then").
(My answer isn't entirely facetious; there are lots of English constructions that permit either kind of location, so it's quite plausible to view them as specializations of a more general "location" concept. I also note that while I can't understand the word "elseweb" as quoted in isolation by ixtli, it's quite transparent in context on the page, so I wouldn't be surprised to see similar things happen in English or other languages. I have personally observed people using "elsewhen".)
> Those that become enlightened on the path of confuzzlement reach the orgasmic state of eternally confuzzled where people marvel at your ability to cause a stunned silence like with the mere utterance of a few simple words. The eternally confuzzled are gods in their own minds and feel compelled to share their knowledge with the lesser beings around them. This can be a good thing because confuzzled people aren't really stupid, they just seem that way to the layman.
> It's easy to become confuzzled. Just start learning and don't worry about not knowing something. Everybody doesn't know something. Too many people let it get to them and they get frustrated. Stress gives you health problems and people who get flustered easily tend not to make it as programmers. You don't want to be one of those people. You want to be eternally confuzzled!