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I love Java-style generics! Any other popular languages have anything similar? Besides C# of course.

I can't stand Java generics. They're better than nothing, but type erasure really limits their utility.

If you need reification, then you are doing a runtime look up of type information.

Which, by definition, has nothing to do with generic types.

By the way, this is another reason why erasure is the only sane way of doing this: supporting reification means that you let developers second guess what the compiler already proved for you. Just say no to reification.

What? No, I need reification because:

1) I do not want the compiler to create extraneous call-site code, bridge methods and other cruft to ensure that a value is really of the declared type (or derived from it). For instance, when you iterate over a (generic) collection, the compiler will insert type checks and downcasts in to the call site code. With reification the collection would be guaranteed type-safe and no extra cruft with incurred overhead needed.

2) Type erasure rules out using primitive types (or value types) as generic type parameters. Reification allows the actual type to be used with generics, regardless of the "kind".

3) Type erasure forces me into the underworld of automatic boxing/unboxing conversions and suboptimal code. Reified generics allows the compiler to generate verify the code at compile time but generate actual optimized (with respect to the type) code when JITting.

4) Type erasure has a large number of contra-intuitive consequences, gotchas. Example: All realizations share the static members, even though they should be separate classes. Type erasure resembles a macro scheme rather than a function that return classes.

There's much more. You are actually the first person I have ever encountered who argue that type erasure is desirable. I can understand type erasure from a compatibility point of view, but I have never seen anyone defending type erasure without the referring to the migration compatibility that was achieved with TE. That includes Neal Gafter, one of the main forces behind generics in Java.

What you wrote is pretty much my point of view, so I'm not going to elaborate. :) Type erasure also hobbled the type system in Scala, annoyingly.

Type erasure was a compromise to allow migration, it is not a design choice that would've been made otherwise.

Type erasure is the very reason that Scala could adopt a more advanced type system. Otherwise it would be absolutely forced to essentially conform exactly to Java's type system since the targeted bytecode would require all sorts of type annotations which would have to be correct-according-to-java.

Scala wouldn't even be possible in its current form if Java had used reified generics.

(Scala type's system is constrained by the need for interop with Java, but that's an unrelated issue.)

> Type erasure is the very reason that Scala could adopt a more advanced type system.

No. Having a byte-code interpreter which is essentially an assembly language allows you to create any type system you want. It is wwhen you require interop with an existing type system that you are constrained.

>Otherwise it would be absolutely forced to essentially conform exactly to Java's type system since the targeted bytecode would require all sorts of type annotations which would have to be correct-according-to-java.

One could argue that it would be prudent to base your type system on the type system of the platform you choose. Essentially what Scala chose the route of not integrating deeply with the platform type system. That choice could have been made regardless of how advanced the type system of the platform was.

So if the platform had offered reified generics, Scala could still had chosen to ignore those and gone with type erasure. But they could also have chosen to support reified generics. I'm interested in what concrete constraints that would have imposed on Scalas type system, except for interop with Java.

Ironically, the chosen design has forced Scala into adorning with all sorts of type annotations to ease interop with Java: It has to lie about the generic type argument the same way Java does in the type metadata, i.e. "consider is a collection of Shapes. Note: it may be other object types so you must perform downcasts yourself*".

> No. Having a byte-code interpreter which is essentially an assembly language allows you to create any type system you want. It is wwhen you require interop with an existing type system that you are constrained.

Not with anywhere near decent performance.

#1: The JIT can optimize this out in many cases.

#2: No it doesn't. You can still specialize as appropriate when you know the types at compile time, see e.g. miniboxing for Scala.

#3: This was added by the Java language designers for convenience. It would be possible to require explicit casting/specialization, but they deemed it too verbose. Of course then we ended up with advice like "explicitly unbox" as seen in Effective Java...

The last bit is an appeal to authority. There are many people, esp. in the Scala community, who argue convincingly against reification.

> The JIT can optimize this out in many cases.

It can optimize some of the cases. Problem persists and is now even less predictable.

> No it doesn't. You can still specialize as appropriate when you know the types at compile time, see e.g. miniboxing for Scala.

Yes it does. The subject here is generics in Java, not scala kludges to compensate for the poor generics design.

> This was added by the Java language designers for convenience.

Strawman. You can point to any language feature and call it convenience, basically anything above a Turing Machine is convenience. The fact is that they realized that the type erased generics would appear severely hampered if they could not be used for the most used types at all. Hence, they swept the problem under the rug, by allowing implicit (automatic) conversions. The problem is still there, there's a big bulge on the rug and the linked FAQ is essentially a map to guide you around it so that you do not trip.

> The last bit is an appeal to authority. There are many people, esp. in the Scala community, who argue convincingly against reification

I'd be interested in hearing those arguments, specifically those that do not invoke interoperability with Java. Have source?

My source: http://gafter.blogspot.dk/2004/09/puzzling-through-erasure-a...

Why do people find that type erasure is a problem? I'm happy, for instance, writing in languages wherein type erasure is the obvious right answer.

I don't often find myself needing to get T, but sometimes I do. Consider the case of a Handler<T extends Foo> interface that several classes implement. If I have several of these, for various Foo subtypes, I might want to put them in some sort of collection that I can look into later after receiving a Foo message, so that I can dispatch it appropriately. Why do I have to do this dispatch myself? The types of all the Handlers go away, so I need to hold on to them somehow, and match at runtime.

The clear way to do this is to put them in a Map<Class<T>, Handler<T>>. Now how do these Handler objects declare that they're ONLY able to handle a specific Foo subtype (let's call it FooBar)? It'd be REALLY nice if I could just say "Hey handler, what's your generic type? Is the message I just got an instanceof your generic type?" Java won't let you do this due to erasure.

Okay we can get around this. Each Handler<T> has to declare a method (say getType()) that returns the Class<T>. Since I'm generically declaring my class FooBarHandler<FooBar>, I can protect myself from returning a BazBat in this method, but there's NO way for me to abstract this method away. Each Handler has to declare a "public Class<T> getType()" that returns T.class. But since T isn't a thing past compile time, I have to repeat this same method implementation for each concrete type. Gross. This has the added irritation of forcing all the parent classes, if they implement this interface, to be abstract, since they can't implement the method appropriately. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the limitation is annoying.

In an ideal world, I can declare some ParentHandler<T> that has this method, and have all my handlers just extend it, with no duplication.

> It'd be REALLY nice if I could just say "Hey handler, what's your generic type? Is the message I just got an instanceof your generic type?

No, it wouldn't be nice, it would be unsafe. If one day you end up adding a new type in your container, you need to update your runtime check as well or your code will fail in mysterious ways.

Erasure keeps you honest by asking you to think carefull about the types so that they can be checked by the compiler, and once the compiler has done this verification, you are guaranteed that your code will work.

Any language feature that encourages the use of reflection , such as reification of types, should not be supported by a language that wants to claim to be sound.

It's not necessarily unsafe, but it is very difficult to do safely. The design suggested is certainly unsafe, however---there's no way to ensure that the values don't lie about their self-reported type and so using that to trigger a coercion is liable to explore things.

If the compiler provides a couple things:

    data TypeRepr
    typeReprEq :: TypeRepr -> TypeRepr -> Bool
    typeOf :: Typeable a => a -> TypeRepr
such that TypeRepr cannot be generated (e.g. faked) by users, typeOf is guaranteed to be genuine, and (this is the hardest) such a thing doesn't violate parametricity then you can use that interface to write

    safeCoerce :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
which is guaranteed to only allow the coercion when `a` and `b` actually happen to be the same type.

Ah, gotcha. This "project out of a polymorphically typed heterogenous container" problem shows up in Haskell from time to time, too. Generally, people just learn to do without it even to the point of considering it a bad practice to try. I'm not going to claim that this is the right way for Java... but it's interesting to note that this is a pain point that's perceived as a problem with type erasure in the Java world. In the Haskell world it's considered to be a good design principle enforced by the "obvious" step to erase types.

It's not necessarily that people regularly see it as a problem, it's just that sometimes you get yourself put into a type corner and the lack of it causes you to have to repeat yourself. I'm not sure what the alternative world would look like, but I feel like this means the type system simply isn't expressive enough to cover this particular problem.

Upon thinking about it a bit, this problem seems to be functionally equivalent to pattern matching on the type of the message (which Java also lacks). I'm not a Haskell guy, but the immediate solution I'm seeing is to just have separate cases for each one. This is still an inferior solution in this particular case, because it forces you to modify the code in two places; luckily the type system helps here and makes sure you do.

But consider a problem of a different form:

Imagine I have an object Bar<S , T> and I want to have a frobnicate(S s) and a frobnicate(T t) method. Since Java erases, I can't do this. frobnicateS and frobnicateT it is! This is particularly annoying because you know S and T are different, but you can't express it to the type system! This seems like it'd be solvable by some sort of disjoint union, but again, Java lacks this. Fun fact, it does have a way to bind a generic on multiple classes: Bar<T extends Baz & Bat>. It would be natural to add a | for this sort of operation, if they ever figured out how to do this sort of operation.

You can take advantage of lambda structural typing to work around the frobnicate overload issue http://benjiweber.co.uk/blog/2015/02/20/work-around-java-sam...

I don't think the same erasure problem is actually a consequence of type erasure - it is just defined in the spec.

I think generally the point is that "forgetting to a generic" is a dangerous operation because recovering that forgotten information is risky. It's inconvenient, but the alternatives are worse. Reflection, especially universally, blows up the amount you can trust your types very significantly.

Your Frobnicate example is interesting since you want an extra level of polymorphism in there, but getting this can be bad for inference (see MultiParamTypeClasses without functional dependencies). In any case, it's not clear why you ought to expect it to work.

> It'd be REALLY nice if I could just say "Hey handler, what's your generic type?

There are better ways of resolving type arguments, such as on Handler implementations, at runtime.

See https://github.com/jhalterman/typetools

Right. And now you're pushing what should be a compile-time error to runtime, and slowing down performance with runtime checks to boot.

Indeed, but it allows library authors the ability to write nicer APIs without having to pass Class references around - they can be resolved.

One common case that I've encountered:

There's no (good) way of going "this is a Comparable<Foo> and a Comparable<Bar>, but not a Comparable<Baz>" that's detectable at runtime. (Also true with other interfaces.) Especially for trait interfaces.

There are also nasty cases where you end up crashing randomly somewhere else in your code at runtime because somewhere something passed a List<Foo> and it expected a List<Bar>, but somewhere in between the type information got lost.

Ditto, I find myself wishing to be able to do instanceof T / T[] (that's an array of T) annoyingly often.

Look at the mess that is EnumMap for an illustration of why type erasure can be frustrating. The amount of reflection done at runtime for what should be (and is, if you write a non-generic implementation, or if you're using a language that's sane) purely compile-time work is... frustrating. (And while you're at it, the fact that you can even attempt to pass in a non-enum into EnumMap. I thought Java was supposed to try to push such errors into compile time?)

> There's no (good) way of going "this is a Comparable<Foo> and a Comparable<Bar>, but not a Comparable<Baz>" that's detectable at run

It's a shame that various libraries/frameworks have resorted to building APIs around Type Tokens - where users have to create anonymous classes - to create something that effectively reifies some generic type information. It's a lame solution, but a solution.

It's a dangerous solution as well given that it relies on user land extensible code to be correct in order to ensure type safety. Generally this is true whenever you have coercion, but type tokens done wrong give an (invalid!) excuse to coerce.

People, including those who gave us Java's generics, have always argued that erasure is a problem. It wasn't something that was desired, but rather a necessary evil for easier backwards compatibility.

As I understand, it turned out to be also useful for more than backwards compatibility (though that was entirely the reason for it) -- its why you could have Scala which its richer type system and a good interop story with Java, whereas the attempt to provide the same thing on .NET faltered in large part because of the .NET platforms reification of generics.

It was never about "backwards compatibility". It was always entirely possible to introduce generics and still have both the compiler and the runtime perfectly backwards compatible. C# did this going from version 1 to 2 of the CLR. You can still run any bytecode compiled for version 1 on the version 4 of the runtime to this day.

No, the issue was a much more esoteric one (and an invented and self-inflicted constraint by the designers themselves) of migration compatibility. Consider entity A using compiled libraries (no source available) from vendor R and from vendor S in the same product. Vendor R releases a new version of his library and uses the fancy new generic collections - and refuses to maintain a non-generic version. Vendor S releases a new version of his library but refuses to provide a version that use generic collections. Library S calls code in library R. All of these need to be in place to require migration compatibility.

> its why you could have Scala which its richer type system and a good interop story with Java, whereas the attempt to provide the same thing on .NET faltered in large part because of the .NET platforms reification of generics.

Do you have a source for this? In my view it is the opposite: Reification is the right solution as it makes reified types part of the first-class system with no strange corner cases. It is type erasure that treats realized generic types as second-class citizens, with strange constraints bubbling up through the entire system.

> Do you have a source for this?

There's a lot of second-hand discussion of this readily locatable on Google, but I haven't saved and can't readily find the posts from people actually involved in implementing Scala on .NET that I saw years ago that directly pointed to this as a problem.

Surely this is sarcastic?

What is it that makes Java style generics valuable to you? Many other languages have, ah, generic generics.

There's a common misconception that erased generics are wrong. It's just that, a misconception: erased generics are just a bad fit for introspectable and runtime-heavy languages like Java. The GHC Haskell implementation also uses erased generics.

Can anyone read Angelica Langers FAQ with all the strange limitations and corner cases, and still call it good design?

I can understand it as a compromise for migration compatibility. I disagree with the goals of JSR14 - and history has shown that the concerns that lead to the migration compatibility constraint was non-issue.

Taken as an isolated type system where you want orthogonality and principle of least surprise (among others) it is not good design. And in that sense, yes, it is wrong

> Can anyone read Angelica Langers FAQ with all the strange limitations and corner cases, and still call it good design?

Again, you're confusing erased generics and erased generics applied to java.

I'd understood this subthread to be spawned from someone saying they love "Java-style generics". Focus on Java therefore seems appropriate, although I think we're still waiting for G*P to let us know what aspects they were actuallly referring to...

Scala was designed by one of the original GJ team members.

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