I teach both iOS/UIKit and OS X/AppKit in some of my courses and I have to rewrite my solutions every year. So much is deprecated and so much changes. If you write mildly sophisticated apps for iOS, just prepare to rewrite them every year.
Just look at the evolution of memory management from retain/release, to gc, to ARC, throw in properties, etc...
Not to mention the API's that are constantly deprecated.
Even my model (non-IU) classes get overhauled.
Good retort. They certainly should push it forward. The continual overhaul is tiresome though... Now they have an entire new language! Not only will I rewrite all my solutions next year, I'll have to rewrite my notes from scratch and learn yet another language.
If all I did was develop iOS/OS X apps I would enjoy the continual improvements, but its tough to keep up with when you also have to keep up with a variety of other technologies (like OpenGL! -- which I have used since Iris GL).
The fact remains, rewrite your iOS apps every year.
Of course this pales compared to the crazy ADHD pace of JS frameworks -- that is truly beyond reason.
Just look at the evolution of memory management from retain/release, to gc, to ARC, throw in properties, etc... Not to mention the API's that are constantly deprecated. Even my model (non-IU) classes get overhauled.
In the end the apps are doing anything better...