I run Visual Studio and Web/PhpStorm (essentially built on IntelliJ, I think?) on a Surface Pro 3 often. Mine's an i7 with 8gb RAM. More powerful than the 13" Ultrabook I replaced with it, and much more powerful than the MacBook I was using before the Ultrabook.
I have felt no pain on my i5 Surface Pro 3. It outperforms the decent rig my office provides. I run multiple instances of VS, leave stuff open all the time, massive Chrome tab abuse... The fans only come on while streaming video AND compiling, etc. It doesn't hiccup or grunt.
I wasn't 100% sold on the price/value ratio when I bought it, but now am totally happy I did. Great machine.
Running Android Studio and VS2015 side by side with no hardware problems (development-wise) on my Surface Pro 2. (Being honest, Chrome's significantly more of a resource hog than the two combined).
My only problem was an incompatibility with a specific virtualisation technology in the Surface to reduce boot time and Intel HAXM.
There's also a problem with bluetooth lag/packet loss when maxing out the WiFi.
I'm running an Apple Bluetooth keyboard and generic bluetooth mouse when I work from home, Type cover on the go. The Type cover is terrible for the price, but it's an OK keyboard. The touchpad leaves much to be desired.
I developed on Android with IntellIJ IDEA and an awesome Surface Pro 2 for almost a year, until a move to a new job made me switch to a MacBook Air. Amazing, amazing little thing.
Sorry, I've gotta say: you know that things like "SP3" in Microsoft-land typically mean "Service Pack", right? It's so easy to get confused in acronym-city already, shouldn't we avoid creating more? :(