Which sucks because some of the games are quite good, or could be without the IAP stuff. I do enjoy Peggle and would be willing to pay a few bucks for it. Instead the only option I have is to get it for free and only play a few rounds per day until it's begging me for money. And not a one-time purchase, literally 99c per day. No thanks. And an Age of Empires style game would be awesome on mobile! But not a "it takes five hours to build this building unless you pay lots of money" style game.
It would be nice to have a platform that outlawed that kind of stuff, so real games for real prices could go back to being competitive. It's to the point where I won't even download a game that they won't let me pay for upfront (and even then, I find some $1.99 games that have stupid IAP requirements, and that pisses me off even more).
It would be nice to have a platform that outlawed that kind of stuff, so real games for real prices could go back to being competitive. It's to the point where I won't even download a game that they won't let me pay for upfront (and even then, I find some $1.99 games that have stupid IAP requirements, and that pisses me off even more).