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I'm one of the developers. Happy to answer questions.

I've seen a few posts by people saying that the name and language on your page remind them too much of some of the current flame wars. I personally don't care, but were you all aware? Why the name shill?

I'm not sure what flame wars you're referring to.

We picked the name Shill because it sounds a lot like shell, but is a bit of an in-joke because it is built on Racket, which is a descendant of Scheme. All three have slightly negative connotations: schemers, racketeers, shills.

It there a 'quick-start' guide or getting started tutorial anywhere?

I'm really interested in using Shill but all of the instructions I've found in the past is either the whitepaper or man-page style documentation. It seems to be missing the human-friendly first time guide as you find on most modern language sites like Go/Rust/Ruby. For ex: https://golang.org/doc/code.html

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try and get something similar added to the admittedly minimal documentation on the website.

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