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Lingua::Romana::Perligata – Perl for the XXI-Imum Century (2000) (monash.edu.au)
76 points by rhythmvs on April 6, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Prof. Conway also wrote a Perl module that allows you to write code in Klingon:


It's this sort of thing that's the reason why Perl will always be my favorite language, no matter how "old" it might be. Being designed to mimic the nuances of natural languages is part of its charm.

What impresses me more about this isn't that it could be done (other languages might have similar hooks into the parsing/interpretation process, but that it has been done.

Though quite often it looks like obfuscation, the playfulness of the Perl culture is something I really appreciate. Tcl shares a bit of that, as does Ruby…

> Tcl shares a bit of that, as does Ruby…

Which is no surprise in the latter case, given how strong of an influence Perl was (and still is, though nowadays to a slightly-lesser amount) to Ruby.

My point, though, was that this "Perligata" still feels like Perl (though with keyword-heavier syntax like sic/cis and such, perhaps it leans more toward Ruby in look/feel, which I don't think is a coincidence). You could probably implement this in, say, Java or Go or Python, but it probably wouldn't feel a whole lot like those languages in terms of expressiveness.

I really love this, it makes for a very elegant programming style. I'll admit, though, that I don't know Latin, so I can't use it.

Placet mihi.

Et mihi!

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