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You are saying it's just as easy to save/donate as it is to spend because the muscles and underlying principles are the same? I wish I'd heard about this sooner.

I was comparing saving to donating, and contrasting with spending. So the exact opposite.

Was I really that unclear?

To me you were. They are nothing alike to me. Different states of mind, different objectives, different strategies.

Donating and saving are two entirely different activities in my life, and the only similarity are the numbers on the ledger. (one has an immediate payoff (donating feels good) while the other is not satisfying at all (just helps me sleep)).

You're advice sounded a lot like the financial version of, "stop eating less and you won't be fat." ... but I guess that does work for some people ...

I did have to read bch's sub-reply to grok the metaphor. I'm not sure why.

No, you were clear.

I sometimes feel that some people on HN make a real effort to misunderstand people.

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