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Dear employers, please stop mentioning 'remote' unless a) you're OK with r-emote employees, or b) your business is all about about disrupting "r-emote controls", innovating "r-emote assistance" or something like that.

If your posting doesn't include it we'll assume it's not allowed, and you're well within your rights to toss out any application that does request it. Look at it as the easiest filter you'll ever find for resumes. If you really feel need to stress that the job isn't for r-emote workers just say 'LOCAL ONLY' or something like that. Pretty please?

@_whoishiring could you add something to that effect to the monthly post?

LOCAL ONLY with caps on should be fine. Because, from my experience, if the company doesn't mention rem0te, it doesn't really mean that they are not open to rem0te candidates, especially if you're a good fit.

I'm assuming your trying to search and only see remote positions. Quick CLI hack, tested only on MacOSX w/ gnu coreutils:

<select all from this page, copy> pbpaste | tr '\n' '⁄' | sed 's/\[−\]/\n/g' | grep -ai 'remote' | grep -avi 'no remote' | tr '⁄' '\n'

I know I could do it with a pretty straightforward script, but it's not as simple as a ctrl+f, and it requires me being on a machine w/ unix tools (i.e. not a PC or mobile device).

Yeah, this is really annoying. Ctrl-f r emote and I just get millions of "no re mote" posts. I think most people assume it's not remo te unless stated explicitly, so there's no need to say 'no rem ote'.

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