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Yeah, clustered Redis, announced today? Sounds like a joke to me!

Not a joke, the release was due in these days, so I picked 1 April since we have a tradition now to ship 1 April. Last year with HyperLogLog support, because of the futuristic name of the data structure, people had an hard time to believe it was a really thing and not a joke.

I understand your reasons and nevertheless hope that you can realize that you are still contributing to April Fool's insanity by making it that much harder for people to tell what is serious and what isn't on this day of disregard.

You’re totally within your rights here. I just beg you to consider the audience.

Yep this can lead to some confusion, but the magic of OSS software is that you can download it and check :-)

Won't someone please think of the childr...er, developers!

After many years of DevOps and configuration management, I've learned to think of developers as children...

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