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Here's the full cluster spec: http://redis.io/topics/cluster-spec

Looking forward to seeing it taken apart by aphyr.

Congrats to Salvatore and the rest of the redis committers!

Then you might want to see both of them on the same stage in June :) http://www.dotscale.io/

You made my day! I'm booking a slot right now.

Is he still doing Jepsen tests? Thought he was doing Clojure work atm?

Yes, he is not doing Jepsen at the moment. The end of his last blog post on it has some explanation. That said, I wouldn't wonder if he'd make an exception, given that it's Redis...

He's been tweeting about Jepsen tests on Aerospike lately: https://twitter.com/aphyr/status/582653874894282752.

We are considering Aerospike because apparently a lot of our competitors are using it and I really would love to see those tests.

Pretty sure I saw him tweeting about jepsen the other day

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