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While this rendition of such a concept seems... odd, I can picture something similar on a more flexible scale with, say, a cheap e-Ink-based touchscreen (or maybe a column of physical buttons to the left or right of the screen) tablet of sorts dedicated to being a sort of household ordering kiosk; just preload it with the sorts of products you might need for a particular room, then set and forget. When you need to restock on something, just press the button.

For example, in my bathroom, I'd load up my preferred choices of, say, soap, shampoo, hand soap, toilet paper, toilet bowl cleaner, toothpaste, etc. onto this cheap tablet, mount it somewhere in my bathroom (maybe on a wall somewhere near the sink or something), and forget about it until I realize I'm nearly out of shampoo, at which point I'll hit the "Head & Shoulders" button on my little bathroom kiosk and Amazon will have a bottle of seleniumy alien-invasion-stopping goodness delivered to my front door within 2 business days.

My laundry room would then have a similar little e-Ink kiosk loaded with options for detergent, dryer sheets, and the various cleaning supplies I store in there. The kitchen's kiosk would have buttons for things like dishwasher gel, soap, and some commonly-purchased food items like Top Ramen and Deschutes porter and glass-bottle Mountain Dew.

Basically, I can see a future where such a concept of integrating restocking with day-to-day activities can be reality, and while these Dash buttons ain't perfect, they're a step in the right direction in ways that current smartphone-centric methods can't easily replicate.

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