4. Accounting for dummies or something like that, same with finance (I have a degree in Finance, was much more helpful than I realized)
5. One or so of these books (Parent listing).
Most people don't realize every job involves selling. Relationships and communicating effectively along with having good understanding over the whole business is helpful. If you don't think any of the sales stuff applies to you, I wish you good luck :-)
Definitely! I particularly liked "How to win friends and influence people". And you're right, every job does involve selling and getting along with others :)
I'd actually recommend avoiding The Lean Startup if you read anything at all and have been paying attention to blogs and the news. It doesn't say anything you haven't already heard, and is kind of high level (or "hand wavy" if you want to be harsher).
About 15 years ago, I developed a startup challenge for micro-enterprises called the Thousand Rand Challenge (about $100 at the time). That became a large-scale project, starting 1,000 businesses simultaneously. We Creative-Commons the results here: http://startup.wikia.com/wiki/Thousand_Rand_Challenge
Lean analytics is one of the highly recommended book to read. In fact, most of the book by Eric Ries are worth to read especially for startup entrepreneur.
1/ uncertain & dark the days of building a business are 2/ you're at the mercy of randomness (despite having a strong sense of agency)
In that sense, a few books that tell you that darkness is a rite of passage for building great companies would be
1/ Soul of a New Machine - http://www.amazon.com/Soul-New-Machine-Tracy-Kidder-ebook/dp...
2/ Fooled by Randomness - http://www.amazon.com/Fooled-Randomness-Hidden-Markets-Incer...
3/ Coders at Work - http://www.amazon.com/Coders-Work-Reflections-Craft-Programm...
4/ The Innovators - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21856367-the-innovators
5/ The Hard thing about hard things - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18176747-the-hard-thing-...
6/ Are your lights on? - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11221270-are-your-lights...