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You absolutely can run Windows 1 applications in modern day Windows, as long as it's the 32-bit version.

Here's a screenshot of Windows 8 (32-bit) running four different Windows 1.01 apps:


You're talking about source compatibility. (Windows 1 was never 32-bit.)

Most people here seem to be talking about binary (.exe) compatibility.

Nope, this is binary compatibility. The apps you see in the screenshot are binaries straight from Windows 1 install media. Literally every 16- or 32-bit version of Windows from 1 to 8 will run Windows 1 apps.

I'm sorry if I was unclear in my wording, I mean the modern Windows version must be 32-bit to be able to run 16-bit Windows apps.

Oh, I misunderstood you. "Modern" windows is 64-bit in my mind.

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