Interesting, you wrote both the blog post and the article. I really do think you did a good job in the article, but your blog post is just... not very good honestly.
Its a common fallacy to make arguments from analogy. And honestly, it weakens your argument significantly compared to the article you wrote elsewhere.
Arguments by analogy "feel" good because it sounds like you're getting the point across in fewer words. But really... you're preaching to the choir at best. An argument from analogy is only as strong as the connection between your analogy and reality.
Unfortunately, talking about water jetpacks and occulus rifts break your analogy wide open. It is clear that you aren't talking about reality anymore, and the analogies barely serve their point when they're so disjointed to the reality on the ground.
If you do take this argument form again in the future, please stick to something more real.
I appreciate you getting back to me, but your blog post suffers from "false analogies".
Its a common fallacy to make arguments from analogy. And honestly, it weakens your argument significantly compared to the article you wrote elsewhere.
Arguments by analogy "feel" good because it sounds like you're getting the point across in fewer words. But really... you're preaching to the choir at best. An argument from analogy is only as strong as the connection between your analogy and reality.
Unfortunately, talking about water jetpacks and occulus rifts break your analogy wide open. It is clear that you aren't talking about reality anymore, and the analogies barely serve their point when they're so disjointed to the reality on the ground.
If you do take this argument form again in the future, please stick to something more real.