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It looks like the start-up/shutdown script is doing an rm -rf on a bash variable that's evaluating to null.

If that is, in fact, the case, it is indeed a repeat of the Steam bug that 'kavan mentions elsethread.

Citation needed.

It very well could have been an instance of the bumblebee bug (https://github.com/MrMEEE/bumblebee-Old-and-abbandoned/issue...) where it's "rm -f / some/file" instead of "rm -f /some/file"

Link to the code if you want to make that claim.

It's hard to trust anyone that would ever depend on such a variable without having some sort of precondition.

"it's hard to trust anyone that writes a dumb bug".

Listen to yourself. We've all written dumb bugs. We've all had that one line of code that was an obvious mistake. I still trust people who write a bug here and there because if I didn't I would have to forgo trusting everyone for everyone makes dumb mistakes sometimes.

At this point I refuse to trust anyone who writes shell scripts. Bugs happen, but a shell script is practically guaranteed to have zero automated tests and variable-related bugs are all too common.

Surely your distrust should be aimed at shell scripts not at everyone who has written one.

There has to be some standard. While I didn't use the word dumb, it is clearly careless.

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