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Can they create human equivalents?

That would require that human vision works in the fashion of neural networks/svms/etc. There actually isn't any evidence for this.

What?! Neural networks are explicitly designed to work in the fashion of - you guessed it, neural networks. Like, retina and optic nerve.

"In modern software implementations of artificial neural networks, the approach inspired by biology has been largely abandoned for a more practical approach based on statistics and signal processing." [1]

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_neural_network

The embodiment is changed of course. But the process of successive ranks of weighted accumulators has not been. Which is the neural model. Of course its different. But there's still the question of, could failure modes of the mathematical model be present in the biological one? Its a question of modeling, not wetware vs hardware.

But that model is not the way the overall activity of the brain is currently understood - neurons are seen as being far more complex than simple threshold machines. They may involve thresh effects but the claim of them working overall like any version of artificial neural works is no longer supported by anyone.

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