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Action is really needed. A system that can be breached just by any CA company that is more interested in money than in security (also at least one big CAs has a bad history concerning security) is plainly broken. There should at least be a kind of overseer that has the ability to intervene when bad behavior is reported.

In the current situation, it is impossible to trust this "system of trust". It just sounds similar as I shall give the keys to my house to the thieves guild to prevent burglaries.

Certificate Transparency is a solution. It's not my favorite solution, but it's far and away my favorite solution that stands a chance of working.


This particular bad behavior, like entirely too many other breaches, was (probably) noticed because Google's own browser saw illegitimate but valid Google certificates, and alerted Google through its own channels. CT extends that to any other site that wants to participate.

CT also requires that CAs disclose every certificate that's signed, including those signed by intermediates that they give to third parties. This doesn't make legitimate use of intermediates much more onerous, but it makes MITMing-proxy use extremely logistically complicated, even if you felt like telling the whole world you were MITMing certificates.

> Certificate Transparency is a solution

CT would not have prevented these attacks.

Google would be exactly where they are right now: knowing who issued cert, and that's it.

Short form: https://github.com/okTurtles/dnschain/blob/master/docs/Compa...

Long form: https://blog.okturtles.com/2014/09/the-trouble-with-certific...

(EDIT: How about an honest discussion instead of a downvote? If you disagree, you are welcome to explain why.)

Given the operational difficulty of implementing a transparently-MITMing proxy in a Certificate Transparency regime, I'm not sure you can say with certainty that it wouldn't have prevented this attack. Every time you want to MITM a new site, you need to contact some number of auditors before you can complete the connection. That sounds difficult to implement reliably and quickly enough for a MITM to work.

(Not to mention that most off-the-shelf MITM proxies will intentionally not implement this, since the use case for legitimate MITM proxying involves using site-specific CAs, not globally-valid CAs, so you'd have to deploy custom code to go talk to the auditors. And I somehow have doubts that a robust, black-hat MITM proxy solution will emerge, given that it probably will have only a handful of users at any given time.)

In any case, it is certainly not a perfect solution. But it is a solution.

I've read that okTurtles blog post before. Insofar as it points out that CT has limitations, it's generally right. But the okTurtles scheme is much worse: if a certificate gets compromised, the only recourse is to pick a new website name. I think it's likely that there is no perfect solution here. CT makes no claims for perfection, but it's a pretty good imperfect solution, and I think we need that more than we need a nonexistent perfect solution.

BTW: "Resist commenting about being downvoted. It never does any good, and it makes boring reading."

> Not to mention that most off-the-shelf MITM proxies will intentionally not implement this

To add on to this: the certificate was generated from a Palo Alto Networks device.


If Palo Alto aren't willing to implement CT, which I'm pretty sure they aren't because they're a legitimate company whose business isn't driven by people who abuse globally-valid certificates, then (regardless of whether SCTs can be forged in theory) that alone would have prevented the attack.

> Given the operational difficulty of implementing a transparently-MITMing proxy in a Certificate Transparency regime, I'm not sure you can say with certainty that it wouldn't have prevented this attack. Every time you want to MITM a new site, you need to contact some number of auditors before you can complete the connection.

1. Certs don't need to include SCTs, so, end of story.

2. Even if that was a requirement, they can be faked just like the certificate.

> In any case, it is certainly not a perfect solution. But it is a solution.

It doesn't prevent MITM attacks (even Google acknowledges that), so it's not a solution (if preventing attacks is what you want).

> But the okTurtles scheme is much worse: if a certificate gets compromised, the only recourse is to pick a new website name.

Certificates are not associated with the key to modify the blockchain entry. So if a certificate gets compromised, you can immediately fix it by updating the blockchain entry.

> BTW: "Resist commenting about being downvoted. It never does any good, and it makes boring reading."

If people downvote me for no good reason, I'll point it out to them. Doesn't matter to me if it bores them. If that's a problem maybe they shouldn't downvote in the first place? :P

2. Even if that was a requirement, they can be faked just like the certificate.


Looks like a complex attack, and "not all CAs will necessarily have their own log." and same for the converse too.

Legitimate SCTs can be used in attacks just as well (this will probably be the common case), as explained here:


Yes, CT would only allow detection. Revocation would be a different problem.

> Doesn't matter to me if it bores them. If that's a problem maybe they shouldn't downvote in the first place?

Perhaps the downvotes are because it bores them? I guess it shouldn't matter to you that you get downvoted, either.

> Perhaps the downvotes are because it bores them? I guess it shouldn't matter to you that you get downvoted, either.

Either folks want this problem to be solved, or they don't.

I am confident that if DNSChain is such an obviously good solution, it will be evangelized by at least one person who doesn't complain about being downvoted, or claim that people clearly don't want security.

Are you Tao Effect? I've seen you on messaging@moderncrypto, and you have trouble staying on topic. I'd have been more inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt if you were some second person in the world who thought DNSChain was a good idea, but I've only ever seen one person evangelize this concept (in email, on the website, and now in HN comments). As general advice, if you try a bit harder to respect the conventions of the fora you use to evangelize things, no matter how reasonable or unreasonable you think the conventions are, you're likely to win more hearts and minds.

And you do want to win hearts and minds, don't you? Either you want this problem to be solved (and you have the perfect solution, if only people would listen), or you don't.

FWIW: yes, that's Greg Slepak.

When you run out of legitimate arguments resort to personal attacks, got it.

The number of people on Earth who've spent the time studying Certificate Transparency in depth could probably be counted on two hands. You and I are two of them. That leaves ~8 other people (who are probably not reading these threads) to comment.

I'm grateful to everyone who's taken the time to support DNSChain, Namecoin, and related projects by writing about them, podcasting, tweeting, blogging, contributing code, etc.


This certainly requires community support.

I'm surprised you find that a personal attack.

I think that it's important that we find a solution to the CA problem. That's why I'm engaging you as earnestly as I can about CT and DNSChain in another subthread. (And please call me out if you think I'm being less than earnest or unnecessarily dismissive.) If CT is in fact flawed the way that you're saying, then it's important for not only me to understand that, but for everyone to understand that. If DNSChain is in fact a good solution, or even close to a good solution, it deserves the enthusiastic attention of way more than 10 people.

Therefore it's important to me that you not get downvoted. So I'm trying to help you get listened to, by telling you why I find myself wanting to reach for the downvote button—but the things you say are important enough that they deserve being engaged with, even if the manner in which you say it is frustrating.

> Therefore it's important to me that you not get downvoted. So I'm trying to help you get listened to, by telling you why I find myself wanting to reach for the downvote button—but the things you say are important enough that they deserve being engaged with, even if the manner in which you say it is frustrating.

Well, I appreciate that, thanks. I also appreciate that you decided to engage in actual honest discussion.

> 2. Even if that was a requirement, they can be faked just like the certificate.

I'm trying to understand how this works. (If they can be faked, then yes, that's fatal for CT, but I don't think the CT proponents acknowledge that, so either someone is very wrong, or the truth is subtler than that.)

The okTurtles blogpost, in the section about the first "inaccurate" claim, says, "The SCT (signed certificate timestamp) is pretty much irrelevant in this type of attack since the MITM either can order CA/log combos to do what they want, or they own and operate one of the 1200+ CAs out there (in a clandestine operation), or they’ve hacked their way into obtaining the CA/log private keys they need to conduct mass-surveillance on any website they want (undetected)."

The words "can order" are linked to a page about national security letters. It's true that CT does not protect you against an arbitrarily misbehaving hegemonic government, but if that's in your threat model, a lot of security analyses fly out the door. In this particular case, though, the malicious actor was not a government, so we can rule that one out. (Much as the Chinese government is an attractive target of blame, in this case, it seems like the misissuance was from a private corporation in Egypt. CNNIC voluntarily reported the issue to Mozilla; though it's unclear if Google alerted them first, clearly there was no governmental intention to MITM here.)

I don't understand what being a CA (either by actually being a CA, or by hacking into one) is supposed to gain you here. CT is designed to protect against CA misbehavior. If the argument is that it doesn't prevent a MITM, it just permits one to be detected, then yes, but that isn't faking an SCT. I'm happy to argue about whether detection vs. prevention is useful, but I just want to be clear that that's a different argument.

So that leaves "they’ve hacked their way into obtaining the CA/log private keys they need to conduct mass-surveillance on any website they want (undetected)". Assuming we're talking about "log" here out of "CA/log", then, first, this significantly raises the bar to an attack. This particular attack was done because a non-CA entity asked a CA to sign an intermediate, and lied to the CA about how it would be used. No hacking was involved. In order to conduct the same attack in a CT world, the entity would also have to set up their own log and get it trusted (who would trust it?), or ask the CA for the CA's private key (which would be a "no, and please stop being our customer"), or hack into the CA.

Second, that presupposes that the CT site's claim that log misbehavior is detectable is untrue in a fairly major way. (This is a reasonable claim to make, I'm just trying to figure out if that's the claim you're making.)

In any case, I don't see an argument that it can be faked just like the certificate. It's significantly more work, and involves suborning a legitimate log. Faking a certificate merely involves abusing an intermediate, which is a product that (unfortunately) gets sold for legitimate use, on trust. That trust cannot be abused to generate an SCT the way it can be abused to generate a signed certificate.

> It doesn't prevent MITM attacks (even Google acknowledges that), so it's not a solution (if preventing attacks is what you want).

It prevents some MITM attacks, by disincentivizing them or making them logistically complicated. It does not prevent all of them. It is not a perfect solution, but it is a partial and pretty good solution. I said in my initial post that it's not my favorite solution, but it's my favorite realistic solution.

In particular, CT would have completely prevented this attack.

> I don't understand what being a CA (either by actually being a CA, or by hacking into one) is supposed to gain you here. CT is designed to protect against CA misbehavior. If the argument is that it doesn't prevent a MITM, it just permits one to be detected, then yes, but that isn't faking an SCT. I'm happy to argue about whether detection vs. prevention is useful, but I just want to be clear that that's a different argument.

Being a CA (that has a log) allows you to have two different merkle trees (one for secret MITM, the other for ordinary uses), as explained in the post. That is where even detection gets questionable.

But as also mentioned further down in the post, the attack will probably be simpler than that (identical to today's attacks). These attacks might be "detectable" after they've happened, but so what? So was this one. Damage will have been done.

> In particular, CT would have completely prevented this attack.

No, it wouldn't have, not even if SCTs were mandatory.

All the attacker has to do is send the cert to a log, and all CA-signed certs are accepted, so they would have gotten their SCT without any trouble at all. After some time, Google might query the log that it was sent to and discover the SCT and raise the alarm, but again, damage will have been done, and it's even possible that the MITM will prevent any fixes from making their way to the victims.

> These attacks might be "detectable" after they've happened, but so what? So was this one. Damage will have been done.

Well, in this particular case, there was presumably an intention to conduct the MITM long term. Buying a Palo Alto Networks device, paying for a (fairly expensive!) unconstrained intermediate, and being able to MITM a connection for a few hours is not very useful.

There are certainly attackers who want to MITM a specific site for a specific user for a short period of time, and CT may not solve that. It may be the case that no certificate-based system can solve that, because those attackers will prefer spear-phishing the user into downloading malware to reconfigure their browser. But this particular attack was not such a case.

What went (somewhat) wrong here is that the attacker believed that they could get away with it for quite some time, because the mechanism by which Chrome tattles on illegitimate certificates is proprietary and not well-understood as a part of the system. I suspect that if the attacker knew that this would not work for more than, say, a day, then they would have chosen a different, less-attacky route to solve their actual problem.

(Besides, the Palo Alto device would not have actually sent certs to a log. The attacker would have had to write their own MITM proxy, which is a tricky business. That rules out some but not all actual attacks, and if our metric is what actual attacks are prevented, then that counts for something.)

> All the attacker has to do is send the cert to a log, and all CA-signed certs are accepted, so they would have gotten their SCT without any trouble at all.

I concede that that is true; I implied otherwise because I didn't think hard about that part. Thanks.

> After some time, Google might query the log that it was sent to and discover the SCT and raise the alarm

I don't see why the CA wouldn't immediately query logs for all certificates that chain off of their intermediates, to verify that intermediates are only used in the way that people said they'd be used. (Remember that in this case, the customer lied to the CA and said it would only be used for sites the customer had control over.) I could easily imagine that, in a SCTs-are-mandatory world, it's also mandatory for CAs to run this little shell script if they want to be allowed to sell intermediates. It's just a technical formalization of something that's already in the Baseline Requirements.

> it's even possible that the MITM will prevent any fixes from making their way to the victims.

That's certainly an interesting problem and I haven't seen much discussion of it.

Is it possible to configure the browser to fail closed if it hasn't reached its update server within some period of time? Is this something that CT can/should do? Can we standardize something like Chrome's CRLsets, and make the browsers require they be able to reach CRLsets somehow, either through the vendor or through a CT log?

What's DNSChain's solution here? Can a MITM pretend that the blockchain hasn't moved in a few weeks?

> I don't see why the CA wouldn't immediately query logs for all certificates that chain off of their intermediates, to verify that intermediates are only used in the way that people said they'd be used.

That's unlikely to happen (I suspect) because the amount of data that would need to be processed would be significant. Each CA would have to effectively mirror all of the logs out there, and the logs impose rate limits on queries. It would be interesting also to see what happens when a log gets DDoS'ed (we know OCSP servers aren't useful because of that problem).

> Is it possible to configure the browser to fail closed if it hasn't reached its update server within some period of time?


> Is this something that CT can/should do? Can we standardize something like Chrome's CRLsets, and make the browsers require they be able to reach CRLsets somehow, either through the vendor or through a CT log?

Can? Yes. Should? Well, I suspect this would be yet another user experience nightmare that would therefore lead to little support for the idea.

> What's DNSChain's solution here? Can a MITM pretend that the blockchain hasn't moved in a few weeks?

Are you referring to the connection between clients and DNSChain or a blockchain and its network?

If the former, then a MITM's only option is to block connection to DNSChain, which would be treated as a MITM attack (appropriately).

If the latter, yes, a MITM could do that, and if PoW is being used by the blockchain this attack would be detectable instantly due to an immediate and significant drop in block difficulty. Even if it somehow wasn't detected, it still wouldn't allow the MITM to issue fraudulent certificates.

> Each CA would have to effectively mirror all of the logs out there, and the logs impose rate limits on queries. It would be interesting also to see what happens when a log gets DDoS'ed (we know OCSP servers aren't useful because of that problem).

Hrrrm. The data in a log is public; the act of logging needs to be done by the log server, but all output (STHes, audit proofs, etc.) is signed, and thus can be mirrored. A log could just push copies of its data elsewhere instead of self-hosting

For this specific use case, I'd imagine that at least some of the logs would be willing to push data to CAs. If we're really worried about this, demanding that logs push data to CAs doesn't seem like an onerous requirement to add to CT. (This starts to resemble MS's Certificate Translucency^WReputation.)

I have no personal investment in CT as the spec exists (I'm just an end-user); if there are realistic changes that would make it more robust I think we should push for them. (Another easy change that would rule out some of the attacks you're worried about is a mandatory 2×MMD delay on certificate issuance, at least for domains that have opted into such a delay, but this seems obvious enough that I assume people have already thought about its pros and cons.)

Naively, distributing log data seems like the same sort of problem as making a blockchain highly available (whether we're talking about Namecoin's, or Bitcoin's, or anyone else's). I'm not well-versed in how blockchains work at the protocol level; does DDoS cause problems there too?

> Are you referring to the connection between clients and DNSChain or a blockchain and its network?

I'm assuming that, in a scenario like the one at hand here (a corporation wanting to MITM all its traffic), the victims are using the attacker's DNS server and are blocked from using any others. That's pretty common, even in places that don't try to MITM your SSL connections; the sort of appliance at issue here can also do things like block known phishing/malware sites, but not try to modify or log your traffic. In a DNSChain world, perhaps that DNS server will speak the DNSChain protocol, but lie about things to the extent that it can (it sounds like it can make arbitrary changes!???). Or if each client runs a DNSChain resolver itself, the attacker will intercept all blockchain traffic and lie about that to the extent it can.

I think I buy that you can notice that the block difficulty is suddenly remaining constant and there's something unusual with that. I'd be worried that a network-wide formal specification would have to account for, say, a good part of the network getting bored and the hash rate actually dropping, causing a worldwide DoS. But intuitively, it seems good enough.

I don't think the UX concerns are particularly different between DNSChain and something more traditional and CT-like, are they? For DNSChain resolvers on a firewalled network, someone needs to relay blockchain activity or the resolver will shut itself down; if you can do that, you can also relay CT log activity (which must be re-signed every MMD), browser updates, CRLset pushes, etc. and maintain liveness.

So, I'm realizing that this whole conversation is somewhat silly because blockchains already provide CT and they do a better job of CT than Google's CT.

If you'd be interested in reading a draft of a blog post on this topic, please shoot me an email (see my profile).

It is not downvoted (gray) any more.

> Action is really needed.

Lot of good people taking action on this. There are solutions that totally solve this problem. Talk about them here though, you'll get downvoted (just see my comments).

It means either: people want security theater, or they're completely ignorant about the topic.

I think people have different definitions of "solutions that totally solve this problem". If your solution totally solves this problem technically, but is unlikely to be deployed in the real world, it is not a solution that totally solves this problem in my book. Although I wouldn't downvote such claims, I can understand people downvoting "total solution" claims if the solution clearly is not (according to the above definition).

> If your solution totally solves this problem technically, but is unlikely to be deployed in the real world, it is not a solution that totally solves this problem in my book.

The solution is deployed in the real world for some websites right now, and it would take Google less effort to implement for their websites than the effort they're putting into CT.

I suspect these comments are getting downvoted for reasons that have nothing to do with technical (or social) merit.

In my opinion, web browser extensions are not a viable way to deploy the solution to this problem. As far as I can tell, DNSChain has no buy in from web browser vendors. That makes it undeployable.

It is irrelevant (or not very relevant) that it would take less effort than CT for Google. What is relevant is that Google is willing to implement CT, and not willing to implement DNSChain. Yes, this has nothing to do with technical merit, but it has a lot to do with actual merit of the solution in improving the current situation.

> In my opinion, web browser extensions are not a viable way to deploy the solution to this problem. As far as I can tell, DNSChain has no buy in from web browser vendors. That makes it undeployable.

One of the reasons why browser vendors are having a tough time actually fixing this problem is because CAs make a lot of money off of selling SSL certificates.

We're working to remove obstacles out of their way by making it easier for them to support auth systems that do not rely on today's broken system.

> What is relevant is that Google is willing to implement CT, and not willing to implement DNSChain. Yes, this has nothing to do with technical merit, but it has a lot to do with actual merit of the solution in improving the current situation.

Google hasn't made up its mind on DNSChain-type solutions.

Remember, CT wouldn't have prevented this attack. If they actually want to prevent such attacks, they have no choice but to actually fix the problem.

I think http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2668154 is a pretty clear indication that Google will not implement blockchain-based solutions.

It feels to me like the Chromium team has in fact made up its mind about blockchain solutions to the CA problem.

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