Does this require people who want to be paid to sign up for accounts on stripe? Or can the application initiate bank transfers to the seller, on behalf of the buyer or from escrow.
You have two options: you can have sellers link a Stripe account (and we'll do all the downstream work, like collecting their bank account info and verifying their identity). Or you can create a managed account via API, where the seller does everything from within your app and never needs to go to Stripe.
Can you do the following (in this order): 'Provision' a standalone account with just an email address (with zero work by the account holder to-be) > Initiate a charge (to a buyer) that will ultimately be paid out to that standalone account > Have the seller setup their standalone account (so it's then capable of receiving funds)
I'm trying to figure the work flow that has the least toing and froing for both parties.
Is there any plan to offer some kind of in-between option where the seller links their stripe account, but the application is "sandboxed" in a way that prevents the user for creating, updating and deleting resources like cards, customers,etc? I like the idea of users linking their own accounts, and Stripe taking control of the identity verification, etc, but I don't like keeping all my data in sync with stripe via web hooks.