" and employees sign up to deliver our compost by bike to a local farm in Red Hook, Brooklyn"
1. Bike is not an efficient mechanism for delivering compost (in fact, it's probably the least efficient mechanism)
2. Why does it matter that they took it to a local farm and not "the local compost heap"?
IE they specifically mention both in an attempt to make it seem like that's better than "i drove compost to the dump and dropped it at the county compost pile".
So you believe that it is more energy efficient for a ton of compost to be moved by humans than by a single truck making one trip? What about all of the oil it takes to generate the food to feed the humans who move the compost? I don't have time to do the math at the moment but I hope someone else does. That sounds dubious at best.
How much extra food does it take? It's not that strenuous to use a bike, just takes time. Also, if the compost is used to grow food, it doesn't take much oil to feed the biker!
To me, when I read this words, it paints a very nice picture. I picture someone volunteering to take out waste, use zero emission transportation, and then help out a local farmer. I like that, a lot.
Hipsters are just the "long hairs" of our time. Those who use the term in a derogatory way will be sarcastically mocked by future generations for the rest of their lives. It happens any time there's a cultural leap that allows those left behind to externalize their self-consciousness.
Doing this sort of thing at scale would only be efficient if you were using slave labor or something close to it.
If Etsy lets their employees take a bike-break for a good cause, fine. But I feel much better about giving my compost to a unionized garbageman with a big truck than some hypothetical coolie on a bike.
As long as they aren't engineering interns, my sister cleared 30K in a summer in SV during her internship. I was floored because I felt lucky to even get an internship 10 years ago.
I live in Brooklyn and do not have a compost bin at my apartment, do not know anybody with one, and don't know of a single place to bring compost in the borough.
That being said, for the latter point, I haven't tried very hard to find one.
1. Bike is not an efficient mechanism for delivering compost (in fact, it's probably the least efficient mechanism)
2. Why does it matter that they took it to a local farm and not "the local compost heap"?
IE they specifically mention both in an attempt to make it seem like that's better than "i drove compost to the dump and dropped it at the county compost pile".
That's hipster.