Either a drink is super expensive where you are, or Uber is very cheap.
Hanging out at a place within walking distance of home really is the best bet. Sadly a lot of American cities don't seem to have bars anywhere near where people live, unlike European ones where you can throw a rock from your window and hit a pub.
One mile? I'd argue you can walk that even (or especially? I tend to like that) if you're drunk.
The GP probably talked about a somewhat bigger trip, maybe (sorry, miles isn't something that feels natural) on the order of 10-15+ km.
Now, driving drunk is absolutely no excuse. But I do agree that the price of getting home by Cab-Or-Replacement-Service is probably not in the 'one more drink' range. A bus ticket though..?
To be fair, I did say at least the cost of one. Relative to my area, it seemed like the cost of a drink was at least a mile drive. Like I said, if people have the money to buy enough drinks to get drunk, they should have enough money to pay for some alternative mode of transportation.
Don't Uber and Lyft have carpooling options now too? There are different ways to cut the cost. It really comes down to a question of responsibility.
Ugh, the thought of walking a mile (1.6km) while drunk is not pleasant at all. In fact, the thought of any physical exercise while drunk makes me want to vomit right now. The world just keeps tipping side to side... like a ship in rough waters... I'll take a cab, please.
Just how drunk are you getting that even a mile is a life-and-death situation?
Maybe the problem is not cabs or walking but knowing your limits.
"Drunk" by legal standards when driving and drunk as in can't see straight are typically two different things. You can be technically too drunk to drive but have little trouble getting home walking.
Hanging out at a place within walking distance of home really is the best bet. Sadly a lot of American cities don't seem to have bars anywhere near where people live, unlike European ones where you can throw a rock from your window and hit a pub.